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5-17-599/070312 :Ooh-ooh, go by the window you can pretend to be surfing.

The One With Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss


[Scene: Ross's Building, Joey is trying to find the hot girl's apartment. So he's walking up the hallway counting doors. He comes to what he thinks is the right one and knocks on it. Ross opens the door, it's his apartment.]

Ross: Hey Joey! Great stuff huh?

Joey: This is your place?

Ross: Of course it is. Yeah, come on in. Ooh-ooh, go by the window you can pretend to be surfing. (He pretends he's surfing by the window.)

Joey: But I counted, you're not supposed to live here! Oh man! (Runs away.)

오늘의 영영한마디

Ooh-ooh, go by the window you can pretend to be surfing.

* surf: 파도타기
* surf the net: 넷서핑을 하다
* surf and turf【요리】 새우 요리와 비프스테이크가 한 코스인 요리
* surf-cast: (해안에서) 던질낚시를 하다 (릴낚시): 낚싯대에 장치한 릴의 손잡이를 돌려 줄을 풀었다 감았다 하면서 물고기를 낚는 낚시